Dr. Helen He

Address & Hours

Address : 9th Floor, 1 Duddell Street, Central, Hong Kong SAR

地址 : 香港特区,中环,都爹利街1号,9楼,

Tel. / 联系电话 : +852 2537 6898

Email / 电子邮件 : drhelenhe@thelondonmedicalclinic.com

Opening Hours / 营业时间 :

Monday to Friday : 8.30am to 7.00pm
周一至周五 :上午8时30分至晚上7时

Saturday : 9.00am to 1.00pm
周六 :上午9时至下午1时

Sunday and Public Holidays : Closed
周日及公众假期 :休息

Doctor Helen runs her own practice from within The London Medical Clinic.